
Monday 9 February 2015

A visit to Vishakhapatnam aka Vizag

Popularly known as "Jewel of east coast", Vishakapatnam is one such city that offer flavors for various travelers with various palate.  It has something for everyone's interest be it culture, history, architecture, beaches , religion etc. It is one of the rare cities in India endowed upon with natural combo of sea and hills. Such is the beautiful spirit of Vishakhapatnam, that even the notorious hudhud which succeeded in sending tremors across could not traumatize it. Here are few shots from my recent visit to this beautiful city. 

RamaKrishna Beach

Ramakrishna Beach

INS Kursura Submarine Museum

A view of Vizag city from Kailasgiri Hilltop Park

Kailasgiri hilltop Park

RushiKonda Beach

Still rising from effect of hudhud cyclone...

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