Life is a learning amidst all chaos. Life is a pioneer in offering customised services as per individual experiences. It is the largest platform for learning parallel to none, and the best thing you don’t need to order anything, just sit back and introspect. At times there are so strong and not so strong moments in life that they leave a long lasting impressions on our minds.
I am on verge of turning 30, my body is undergoing constant wear and tear and am hopelessly trying to crack the juggernaut of work life balance. Though I cannot boast of an incredible life experience, here are some important take away life has offered me:
1. Keep your husband under check
It is one of the most daunting task but most important because once you loosen the hold, someone else will take control of him. Do everything possible to entice him after all your happiness depends on how balanced he is, money-wise or mental-wise.
Jokes apart, he is your best buddy, chalk out time for him and rear your relationship with love and righteousness.
2. You should map your future, but always do that in pencil
You never know what is in store for you in the Pandora box of life. Be flexible enough, so that if you want to have brownie with hot chocolate and your favourite café is closed, you can walk into the nearest mithai shop and have jalebi with dahi. Trust me, it is a scrummy treat.
3. No matter who you are, you will be judged, so be yourself.
You may be as spiritual as Dalai Lama or as lame as KRK, you will have your own share of followers and detractors. You may be bundle of goodness, but still you will be criticized. People are going to judge, so do not hold yourself from doing what you love and do whatever you want to do.
Eat, pray, move, love, drink, sleep, read and write….
4. Being literate and being educated are two different things.
Majority of people we come across are literate not educated. They drive luxury cars but pee on roadside walls-they write essays on dowry practices but demand dowry in crores-they share posts on emancipation of women while woman in their home is manhandled- they never do what they preach. The whole purpose of education is not only to learn but to bring about a change. If you cannot move towards change, you are literate, but not educated enough.
5. Not all people using social media are wise enough
Yes, most of them are idiots. They just use social network to click, edit and upload pictures. They are unaware of the fact that social media is not only a strong weapon for facilitating communication but also a lethal weapon which can be an instrument for cyber bullying, trolling, spamming, privacy infringement and identity theft. We need to be careful in choosing whom to trust and whom not to trust, while socializing on internet.
6. Women are the real reasons women are not empowered
Women are not empowered because they have been shackled in slavery for decades but because they have been slave of their ailing thoughts. Such examples are very much live on your family webcasts all the time. For decades, they have been so busy sucking venom out of life that even there value system has gone for weed smoking. Women’s day or girl child day are futile attempts to empower. We need to believe in power of sisterhood to succeed. We need to believe in ourselves, liberate our thoughts, we have to be our best friend and we need to rise together. Set examples not the exemplary episodes of regression. Remember, if you will not stand for them, no one will stand for your girls in future.
7. Not all women are goddess or witches
But most of them are bitches! Women are always seen as a weaker species living in patriarchal society. As a matter of fact they are totally capable of being selfish, adultery, smoking, drinking, conspiring, driving rashly, feeling pain and wanting happiness as everyone else. We need to start seeing them as human rather than goddess or witches. Devi apne kabhi mana nahin aur dayan se ap darte hain to insaan hi samajh lijiye.
8. Stop being perfect because you cannot be
You are not in this world to be flawless but to be what you are. Embrace your flaws and celebrate the real you. Let go off that pressure to be your best all the time. As a human you are subject to making mistakes. If you make mistakes, you cannot be perfect. Do not shy away from making mistakes because failures are stepping stone to success.
9. Compromise is the most misunderstood word.
The new generation thinks of compromise as sacrifice, totally negating the fact that, at times compromise is the only solution and that is in the best interest of conflicting parties. Compromising is not sacrificing but a prudent way of bringing the conflict on table and leave with best of solution. It shows you flexibility to take control of situation. Yet, you should never compromise with goals you have set for yourself, but you should compromise with people you love. Also, never ever compromise on your integrity.
10. When it comes to friendship, age hardly matters.
Who says that friends need to be of same age group and must share common interest? I am friend with a school going, 15 year old, charming, beautiful girl and her gorgeous mother. Having younger and older friends has its own advantages. While older friends share their experience and wisdom without being patronizing and younger friends help you relive your life, make you feel younger and infect you with their energy.
11. Do not let anybody get comfortable disrespecting you
Even if they are your closest family members. You don’t need to take anybody’s shit and let hurt your spirit. Don’t be a coward, there is nothing intelligent about not standing for yourself. You may not win all the arguments, but people will always remember what you stood for- YOU!!
12. Respect only those who respect you
That follows automatically after the last para. But do maintain your grace and kindness all the time. Be a real person, avoid drama and wear a tiara.
13. Invest time on your friends, they pay the greatest dividend.
They are the one who make even the creepiest of the places worth living. They help you survive in even the most hostile environment. So hold on to them forever.